What's Next for 25 Great Local Bands
Evan Way – The Parson Redheads
In 09 - lots of things planned! We may be putting out a 7" in the early part of the year. That is REALLY exciting, since we have never had a vinyl before. Keep your eyes peeled. We also will start the process of learning the last handful of songs we need to get down before thinking about a full length. So there will be a new Red Heads full length by the end of 09, for sure. Who will release it? When exactly? No idea. And, as always - we really want to get out on tour more. A lot more.
Diana Salier – Automatic Drawing
As for 2009 we're hoping to refresh the setlist and write some new songs for the new year. We also have some plans to record "The Winter Scientist pt. 1 & 2" and "Sea Urchin song,'' which we wrote at the tail-end of this year and don't have any solid documentation of, beyond some live acoustic recordings and videos.
Beyond that we'll be playing around LA 1-2x a month to keep the live thing going so we hope to see you out there!
Jordan Huddock – The Marvelous Toy
Shows beginning on Jan. 5th at Silverlake Lounge for Olin and the Moon’s residency. Spaceland on the 26th. And then next month at SL again for Local Natives’ residency. I’m writing more songs for a full length to be released hopefully mid-year sometime. Franck will be buying a few new shirts. Ny will probably be late to a couple rehearsals. Eventually we will most likely meet up at a restaurant somewhere and have a hamburger. Franck will order the veggie burger.
Matthew Teardrop – Manhattan Murder Mystery
We're doing some recording with Brian from Divisadero that hopefully will be done in early 2009.
We're making a concept album. The concept is "awesome."
Jason Brown - Nightfur
Nightfur will play some local shows to support the new album. I will also be finishing up my feature film and am very excited to have the music of Band Of Horses, Everest, The Parson Redheads, Stevenson Ranch Davidians, Lucy Langlas, and The Karabal Nightlife involved! The trailer will be posted online in January. Karabal Nightlife has a new album on the way that should be really cool.
William – The Savages
We going to either run guns in Myanmar or eradicate Death Squads in South America (they’re killing kids you know).. and more music of course.
Sarah Negahdari – The Happy Hollows
In 2009, we are releasing lots more music!!!
Mike Corwin – Red Maids
Touring with Dorian Wood and Killsonic.
Wendy Wang – The Sweet Hurt
I'm writing for my first ever full-length album.
Nick Ceglio – Death to Anders
Touring Touring Touring. Heading over to SXSW in March. We're also gonna start demo-ing for our next album in January/February
Keith Waggoner - Amateurs
I’ve got a wedding coming up in March that I’m pretty excited about. And a couple musical collaborations happening in January that I’m looking forward to. 2008 turned out to be a pretty quiet year for Amateurs, but we’ll be making some noise in ‘09, so keep an ear out for that I suppose.
Hunter Curra – The Flying Tourbillon Orchestra
There will be some new beginnings. We are hoping SXBW will work out as well as many other out of town shows, more planned out special in town shows, and a long form release of innocuous indie pop hooks from us to you.
Andrew – The Temporary Thing
I'm recording in an REAL recording studio and -depending on whether or not I somehow acquire a sack of money- an album should be finished soon. World tour to follow.
Geoffrey Geis – Pizza!
We are recording new music for our next studio LP. We are planning right now on a digital release with remasters of some of the best music we released combined with a couple of new songs. Later in the year we are hoping to release a full-length vinyl record, and we will also most likely continue to release home recordings and oddities in the vein of our non-studio 2008 EPs "Bound by a Love" and "What is Love? ...I Just Drifted Away." Finally, we are working on a cover of David Bowie's "Modern Love" for a charity tribute record to be released by Manimal Vinyl.
Riaz - The French Semester
For us: New album release party Jan 28 Silver Lake Lounge, European release in Spring. Many local shows. Two road trips, one regional, one transatlantic (thats right, roadtrip). First album is getting interest in Spain so that should be fun. Get the car dirty, then take it to the carwash.
Josiah Mazzaschi – Light FM
Feb 1st at Spaceland! SXSW in March! New Full length CD!
Jonathan Leahy – The Broken Remotes
We're shooting a video for "Shut off the Machines" with director Warren Kommers, shooting for february premier. Releasing a single called "Boxer's Arm" in January. Funny story-- a week before recording the song (session was two days ago, Sunday the 14th) I broke my hand playing football with friends at the Rose Bowl. The injury is called a "Boxer's Fracture". Crazy coincidence. I still managed to lay down my guitar parts between painkillers.
Jacob Summers – The Rhone Occupation
Yeah, we'll be definitely releasing our record early this year (09)- it's been a tough process trying to get everything to sound right, but we're getting really close. We'll be having David Newton mixing a bunch of it, so we're excited about that! And, hopefully: we'll play more shows!-
Erica Elektra – Hearts of Palm UK
We are releasing our album in the UK, and will be going on tour there in the summer.
Karma – Super Karma
The new album will be done in the new year and more shows to come!
Jason Bays – The Spires
Releasing our new record sometime in early part of the year and playing a bunch.
Late 2009 release - The Spires / Riot In My Heart --A compilation of our first 5 years w/ unreleased tracks and covers.
Samuel Bing – Fol Chen
Fol Chen will spend the first half of 2009 finishing up the construction of the FC Pyramid (see attached image). There has been a lot of red tape to deal with. The deadlines. Total bullshit. Anyway, the thing about the FCP-1 is that it will allow us to broadcast from the legendary WLIR-FM, though that station has been off the air for years, and was located in Garden City, Long Island, New York. Still working out the details on this, but we've run some tests and it's looking good. The first broadcast will deal with our "problems" with John Shade. It will be called "Part I: John Shade, Your Fortune's Made." The presence of DJs Donna Donna and Malibu Sue will be felt, which is appropriate.
In 09 we are taking the beginning of the year easy to finish our first full album, and then head off to SXSW in March. Hopefully the album will be out in the fall of 09 and we are going to try to tour as much as possible. If Blur is playing Coachella we will also be in attendance in late spring.
Wavves is a more obvious band to keep an eye on, but some LA bands are Fol Chen and Music Go Music. Also keep an eye on The Sleeping Bags to take over the LA shoegaze scene.
Randolph – One Trick Pony
2009: We'll have "full of life" album and "familiar" EP.
Ken & Melissa - Shiloe
We're planning to play more out-of-town shows in nearby cities like San Francisco, San Diego & Vegas. We would also love to head out to the Southwest...hopefully for SXSW. (Fingers crossed!) We're probably going to be doing some recording in the new year; a full-length is a definite possibility. And, of course, if anyone wanted to take us to Europe, we wouldn't be adverse!
Pauline Lay – Divisadero
I've been thinking about the first quarter of 2009 for the last two months...Guaranteed, there are lots of future shows booked with wonderful bands I really enjoy--both as musicians and genuine people. Hmm, maybe there'll be some shows in new spaces? No promises.
Jesse & Lindsay - The Karabal Nightlife
Next in '09? The release of our second album in the earlier part of the year followed by some touring. We'll be happy to finally start playing a bunch of shows again.
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