Video Free Silver Lake: The Little Ones, Lavender Diamond, & Autolux

The first is one from The Little Ones for the song Lovers Who Uncover off last year's Sing Song EP. They’re recording a full-length with Dave “Mighty Lemon Drops” Newton right now.
What’s the polar opposite of heart-breaking? Lavender Diamond. Here's the Sia-directed video of the song Open Your Heart off their new album, Imagine Our Love.
Sure, singer Becky Stark may not be the most accomplished roller skater ever, but seeing her play live is probably the closest thing you’ll ever get to meeting a fairy tale princess in person...
And yeah, Autolux’s Turnstyle Blues is hella old now, but watching this the other day off of Rewritable Content reminded my why I’m looking forward to their next album so much.
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