Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Upcoming Free Show of Note: Rademacher, The Switch, and Kind Hearts & Coronets at Boardner’s

Okay. So, we can talk about the full line-up at Boardner’s for next Tuesday night now. It’s –- as the headline above and snazzy flyer to your right might imply -- Rademacher, The Switch, and Kind Hearts & Coronets… Three great acts, all for FREE, and more of a big party than your average show.

Here’s what other people have been writing about the bands:

"Conjure up Karen O, Julian Casablancas, and Tom Waits all happily coexisting, swinging on a porch swing in the sun or sliding down a slide...” –- San Francisco Bay Guardian

"...enjoyable sinisterness..." –- Old Kentucky Blog

" acoustic carnival full of tempered guitar twang, crashing cymbals, and reedy organ." – Sixeyes

The Switch
“Los Angeles' The Switch sports some ragged, booze-soaked vocals courtesy of one Aaron Kyle, and plays with a bouncy rock 'n' roll soul that commands attention. Think Greg Dulli's Twilight Singers with less pathos and more laughter.” -– Performer

“Fans of The Beatles, The Animals, Tom Waits and Elvis Costello should take note.... With the way their local scene is going as of late, it wouldn't be too surprising to see their name in lights at a town near you soon.” -- Tripwire

“I've been meaning to write about [them] for a while…” –- Kevin Bronson, The LA Times

Kind Hearts & Coronets
“A modern-day psychedelic cabaret show — pretty melodies, enthusiastic harmonic choruses and a fantastic horn, blended to orchestral pop perfection. Their new, self-released album — selling briskly through Amoeba Music’s Homegrown series — gallivants through all 93 of their MySpace-professed influences (e.g., Nick Drake, Zombies, the Dears).” –- The LA Weekly

“The newest bunch of musicians to carry the trippy torch of psychedelia into the dark clubs of Silver Lake/Echo Park and beyond.” –- The LA Alternative

Got it? Now visit the Let’s Independent! myspace page to hear and download tracks from all three bands.

It's promising to be a damn fun night.


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