Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Reminder: Let's Independent! w/ The Parson Redheads, Buddy, & The Hidden Hooks Tonight!

There are times when events feel more like parties than shows... When the music is good and ecstatic, the crowd is friendly and fun, and you're glad that you're not anywhere else at that moment right then. I've experienced that at Pehrspace and The Echo recently, and feel like it's due to happen again at tonight's Let's Independent! at Boardner's...

First off, the line-up is great: indie pop acts The Parson Redheads and Buddy nail it regularly separately, but together? Yow. And I'm really looking forward to seeing The Hidden Hooks' smarty pop debut.

It's $5, which means the folks from the restaurant who normally come out back to smoke and chatter won't be there, and the only people there are out for the show. Also, the Dewar's sponsorship means that all of the ticket price is going directly to the bands. (Again, a good way to support local music...) And there will be $3 Dewar's drinks available all night.

Let's Independent! starts tonight at nine, Boardner's is located at 1652 N Cherokee in Hollywood, and is 21+. For more info and to hear songs from all three acts, go right here.

Here are videos, MP3s, and links to interviews with the bands:

The Parson Redheads - "Brette and I are married (almost a year now), and Erin (our keyboard player) and I are brother and sister. But it FEELS like we are much more related than we actually are. Purely because we are so close as friends - so we really feel like a family."

- Punctual As Usual MP3
- Out To Sea MP3

Buddy - "I take our art seriously, but I guess I've never taken myself that seriously. A friend of mine told me once that she liked my 'cry-baby rock songs' and I thought it was funny and right on a level, so I guess 'wimpycore' kinda came from that joke."

- Westgate MP3
- No Heart MP3

The Hidden Hooks - "The first EP (bad master) was mostly made up of songs that were supposed to be more "polished." It didn't really come out like that. I really tried to really be careful with mic placement and all that but it didn't really work. With the second EP, I was more flippant on where the mics were and mostly just had the mics in one spot, and ironically, I'm more happy with the second EP.

- Girl, Don't You Get Buried MP3
- When The Silence Squeezes MP3

Rad poster by Christine Hale.


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