Let's Independent!: The Aftermath
Last night was our one-year anniversary party for Let's Independent! at Boardner's and damn was it a fun night. The Hectors, Tigers Can Bite You, and Radars To The Sky sounded fantastic. Definitely check out the first two acts' new recordings. (Radars have their second EP coming soon.)
Here are some pics from the proceedings, taken by Lawyer Jed.

I'd also like to thank all the bands who have played our show at Boardner's over the previous twelve months -- last night's acts, The Happy Hollows, Division Day, The Western States Motel, Thailand, The Prix, The Deadly Syndrome, Le Switch, Rademacher, The Movies, Xu Xu Fang, Frankel, Great Northern, The Spires, Mezzanine Owls, The Devils Romantics, Amateurs, Foreign Born, Eagle & Talon, Signal Hill, One Trick Pony, The Lonely Years, Bedroom Walls, Tandemoro, The Lights From Here, The Black Pine, Let's Go Sailing, and Molecules -- because they are all collectively teh ossum and one of the main reasons I fucking love living here in LA so much.
And I'd like to thank the folks KXLU 88.9 FM (especially Octavius and Daisy), Flavorpill, Kevin Bronson at The LA Times, Todd and Sylvia from Sea Level Records, Jax from Rock Insider, Duke from You Set The Scene, Scott Mac Donald from Surfing On Steam, The LA Weekly, and my friends Racheal, Flounder, Gabe, Joe, Jed, Shazi, Patti, Tricia, Stirling, Mary, and Mikel for all the help and support.
And last, but not least, many thanks to the people at Boardner's for asking us to put on the show in the first place and hosting us each month.
Here are some pics from the proceedings, taken by Lawyer Jed.

I'd also like to thank all the bands who have played our show at Boardner's over the previous twelve months -- last night's acts, The Happy Hollows, Division Day, The Western States Motel, Thailand, The Prix, The Deadly Syndrome, Le Switch, Rademacher, The Movies, Xu Xu Fang, Frankel, Great Northern, The Spires, Mezzanine Owls, The Devils Romantics, Amateurs, Foreign Born, Eagle & Talon, Signal Hill, One Trick Pony, The Lonely Years, Bedroom Walls, Tandemoro, The Lights From Here, The Black Pine, Let's Go Sailing, and Molecules -- because they are all collectively teh ossum and one of the main reasons I fucking love living here in LA so much.
And I'd like to thank the folks KXLU 88.9 FM (especially Octavius and Daisy), Flavorpill, Kevin Bronson at The LA Times, Todd and Sylvia from Sea Level Records, Jax from Rock Insider, Duke from You Set The Scene, Scott Mac Donald from Surfing On Steam, The LA Weekly, and my friends Racheal, Flounder, Gabe, Joe, Jed, Shazi, Patti, Tricia, Stirling, Mary, and Mikel for all the help and support.
And last, but not least, many thanks to the people at Boardner's for asking us to put on the show in the first place and hosting us each month.
congrats on a great year. I hope you put together several more.
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