Interviews & MP3s: Xu Xu Fang, The Savages, & Death To Anders
Please join us all next Tuesday night as we celebrate the two-year anniversary of our Let's Independent! monthly event at Boardner's of Hollywood. (Details and streaming rarities right here.) Because it promises to be more fun than having one of those armored vans with chainsaws on the sides when the zombie apocalypse inevitably hits.
XU XU FANG - "Years later, I opened a box, found the notebook and saw it. I thought it had to be used for a band name. Apparently, the words Xu and Fang exist in many languages. In one dialect of Chinese, I’m told it means 'Cool Cool Breeze.' Not sure though."
THE SAVAGES - "You begin writing and the song starts creating the story and the dream in your mind and heart. From there it is a discipline of letting the music take the lead."
DEATH TO ANDERS - "ROB: Charlene from One Trick Pony called us 'Gregorian Punk' because we harmonize with a lot of 5ths. NICK: Now I say The Beatles just to give them nothing."
- Xu Xu Fang's Good Times
- The Savages' Snake Church (demo)
- Death To Anders' Radio
How much did I LOVE what The Savages had to say about letting the music take the lead....awesome blogspot!
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